Legal notices
This site is published by Destination Saône & Loire, the Saône-&-Loire's Tourism Development and Local Promotion Agency.
389, avenue de Lattre de Tassigny - 71000 MACON - Phone: +33 (0)3 85 21 02 20
The website of Destination Saône & Loire has been produced by Smart Impact - 2B Rue Dobree - 44100 Nantes - Tél. 02 49 09 12 78
OCEANET TECHNOLOGY, Boulevard Mar Alphonse Juin 0034 - 44100 Nantes - Tél. 0 892 46 55 64
The website has been created in part based on data stemming from the regional tourist information system called "Decibelles Data".
The editorial content has been written by the Destination Saône & Loire team.
The information provided is not exhaustive and simply relayed from what Destination Saône & Loire has received. It is solely intended to inform, with no associated commitment on the part of Destination Saône & Loire. Nothing contained herein is contractually binding.
The use rights, even partial, of any site contents (text, photographs, drawings, logos, videos, etc.) are held by Destination Saône & Loire.
Any reproduction, even partial, on any media support is strictly forbidden without the prior express consent of Destination Saône & Loire.
Destination Saône & Loire cannot be held liable for the hypertext links generated without its approval leading to its website
Should any of these provisions not be respected, only French jurisdictions shall be competent in any legal dispute, and only French law shall expressly be applicable.
In strict accordance with Article 34 of the "Data Protection" law, you have the right to access, modify, correct and delete any of your personal data.
To exercise this right, please contact Destination Saône & Loire - 389, avenue de Lattre de Tassigny - 71000 MACON.
Destination Saône & Loire reserves the right to modify, add or delete the contents of this document at any time.